Courtesy Audio | U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet | 06.09.2006
Two female Sailors are the first to be deployed forward search and seizure to the U.S. Navy's 5th Feet area of operations....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 06.09.2006
Soldiers Connect radio show features a story on Pfc. Colson.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet | 06.09.2006
Two Sailors save an Iraqi contract worker who collapsed after smoke inhalation while fighting a fire aboard an Iraqi oil terminal....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet | 06.09.2006
A Sailor teaches welding to Iraqi Marines.
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 06.09.2006
Features a story on the Corps warrior training after allegations of Marines killing unarmed civilians last November.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet | 06.09.2006
Cooks from the USS Ogden were sent to Iraq oil platforms in the Arabian Gulf to provide hot meals to Sailors stationed at detachments there....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet | 06.09.2006
Navy and Coast Guard patrol boats become an integral part of security operation in the Arabian gulf.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet | 06.09.2006
Sailors train Iraqi Marines to help defend the waters surrounding their oil terminals