Audio by Senior Airman Saomy Sabournin | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.18.2024
Today's Story: Key Support for Families
Audio by Vincent White | Defense Health Agency | 03.18.2024
In this episode of Picking Your Brain, Department of Veterans Affairs researchers and TBICoE clinical experts discuss the “Improving Health care Engagement and Access to Optimize Long-Term Outcomes” study, or I-HEAL. The study, run by Dr. Risa Richardson at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, addresses the barriers that individuals with TBI face when accessing high-quality,......
Audio by Sgt. Austin Baker | AFN Wiesbaden | 03.18.2024
Kayla Pham, softball player, Wiesbaden High School, speaks about her softball season opener March 16, 2024, Wiesbaden Hessen, DE. The audio product was recorded at the AFN Wiesbaden studio on Clay Kaserne, March 18, 2024. (U.S. Army audio by Sgt. Austin Baker)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad | AFN Kaiserslautern | 03.18.2024
This radio liner publicizes American Forces Network's new AFN Go app including its inventory of on-demand country music hits. (Defense Media Activity audio by Senior Airman Christian Conrad)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ryan Grossklag | AFN Kaiserslautern | 03.18.2024
COL Troy Alexander, U.S. Army NATO (USANATO) Brigade commander, details the Department of the Army's theme for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) ahead of USANATO's SAAPM Keynote Speaker and Workshop happening April 10, 2024, at the Sembach Community Activity Center on Sembach Kaserne, Germany. Risk Reduction Program coordinators with the Army Substance Abuse Program conduct......
Audio by Eugene Garcia | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 03.18.2024
From the frozen ranges of Cold Regions Test Center (CRTC), Host Mark Schauer talks with Kevin Cummings, a forestry major from Massachusetts whose career at CRTC began by happenstance. Plus, Schauer chats with Hannah Henry, a Delta Junction, Alaska native who didn't know of CRTC's existence prior to working there. Also, Schauer talks with assistant test officer Danielle Schmidt, a Wisconsin......
Audio by Sgt. Page Sevilla | AFN Vicenza | 03.17.2024
a brief Radio commercial for Outdoor recreation showcasing some of the services they offer.
Audio by Spc. Deziree Keay | AFN Wiesbaden | 03.16.2024
The Wiesbaden Sexual Assault Response Coordinator office hosts a Take Back The Night event for community members on Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Hessen, DE, Apr. 5, 2024. The audio spot was recorded and produced in the AFN Wiesbaden studio on Clay Kaserne, March 16, 2024. (U.S. Army audio by Sgt. Deziree Keay)...