Audio by Sgt. Keaton Habeck | I Corps | 11.17.2023
Command Sgt. Maj. Shawn Carns, the command sergeant major of America's First Corps, discuss team building and functioning as a squad during the I Corps Best Squad Competition 2023 with Staff Sgt. Raymond Voytek, Spc. Dylan Jones and Spc. Tadre Robe during the eleventh episode of Connect First....
Audio by Seaman Johnny Garcia | AFN Rota | 11.17.2023
The USS Paul Ignatius, Arle-Burke, Bulkley, and Roosevelt are having a tree decorating contest at Bombers on Naval Station Rota Spain, Dec. 1....
Audio by Senior Airman Brooke Sorensen | AFN Aviano | 11.17.2023
A radio spot explaining the procedures for scraping a vehicle while at Aviano Air Base. (U.S. Air Force audio by Senior Airman Brooke Sorensen)...
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Conner Blake | AFN Rota | 11.17.2023
NAVSTA Rota NMCRS hosts a Santa's Workshop at the Thrift Store where children can pick out gifts to give their families on Christman Day....
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 11.17.2023
The Antarctic Treaty of 1961 largely prevented conflicts on the continent, but growing pressure on the treaty system could affect the global community and the United States. This article utilizes historical documents and press reports to examine these challenges, which include ice deterioration, unreported and unregulated fishing, resource extraction preparation, and hostilities between treaty......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jazmin Granger | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 11.17.2023
Today’s Story: Aiding Spouse Employment
Audio by Sgt. Tamillyah Jo | AFN Kaiserslautern | 11.17.2023
You can find AFN Now at your Google Play and Apple App Store to download. This app offers live sports, tv shows and movies....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad | AFN Kaiserslautern | 11.17.2023
This is a 30-second radio spot publicizing the Kaiserslautern American publication, a physical and online news source for service members living in the Kaiserslautern Military Community. (U.S. Air Force audio by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad)...