Audio by Senior Airman Saomy Sabournin | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 10.02.2023
Today's Story: Chief to Chairman
Audio by Brannen Parrish | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District | 10.02.2023
Geotechnical Engineers and civil engineers throughout the world celebrate “Terzaghi Day” each year, Oct. 2. Jarrod Breuer, a geotechnical engineer and subject matter expert at the Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, joined Corpstruction to talk about the field and Terzaghi’s impact on civil engineering. Born October 2, 1883 in Prague, Terzaghi is considered the “Father of......
Audio by Larry Collette | Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic | 10.02.2023
Technically Speaking We Develop Cyber Security (Ep.13) Description: In this episode, co-hosts Chelsie and Alex speak to experts on cybersecurity at NIWC Atlantic. No, these experts are not going to give you advice on how to keep your email and cellphone safe from scammers... they are speaking on national cybersecurity -- diving deep into the heart of NIWC Atlantic's formidable......
Audio by Eugene Garcia | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 10.02.2023
Host Ana Henderson talks with Program Analyst Patricia Conley and Engineering Support Branch Team Lead Jose Rodriguez about YPG's summer intern program. Plus, host James Gilbert chats with Kylie Kime, a participant in the Army Fellows Program at YPG....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ryan Grossklag | AFN Kaiserslautern | 10.02.2023
Army Community Service and New Parent Support Program is hosting a community baby shower on Nov. 2, 2023, at the Rheinlander Convention Center on Smith Barracks, Baumholder, Germany. The event, open to all Department of Defense ID cardholders, celebrates all new and expecting parents with food, entertainment and educational resources. (U.S. Air Force audio by Staff Sgt. Ryan Grossklag)...
Audio by Sgt. Tamillyah Jo | AFN Kaiserslautern | 10.02.2023
On Friday, Sept. 29, 2023, AFN Kaiserslautern provided play-by-play analysis, live, at Kaiserslautern High school’s football game. U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Safety Specialist, Herbert Nold, says this month is the time to change to winter tires. (U.S. Army audio Sgt Tamillyah Jo)...
Audio by Seaman Johnny Garcia | AFN Rota | 10.02.2023
DJ El Dorrado 0700 radio hour.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Tyler Ewing | AFN Vicenza | 10.02.2023
30 second Family Advocacy Program Domestic Abuse Radio Spot