Asia-Pacific Intelligence Chiefs Conference (APICC) a high-level conference which is part of a whole of government approach that directly supports the US government’s focus towards the Pacific. APICC is the USPACOM J2’s capstone international engagement event co-hosted by a rotating partner in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, and includes Directors of Military Intelligence (general officers and flag officers) from approximately 28 partner nations in the region including Canada, Chile, France,... read more
Asia-Pacific Intelligence Chiefs Conference (APICC) a high-level conference which is part of a whole of government approach that directly supports the US government’s focus towards the Pacific. APICC is the USPACOM J2’s capstone international engagement event co-hosted by a rotating partner in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, and includes Directors of Military Intelligence (general officers and flag officers) from approximately 28 partner nations in the region including Canada, Chile, France, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom.
APICC directly supports goals and objectives outlined in the National Intelligence Strategy, USPACOM Intelligence Engagement Strategy, and the USPACOM Theater Campaign Plan as the Command leads the focus towards the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. The APICC program’s objective is to enhance intelligence cooperation and strengthen relationships between the US and partner nations in the Indo-Asia-Pacific. APICC seeks to improve ties and bolster security cooperation by providing a forum where senior military and civilian intelligence leaders gather to exchange ideas, explore pressing issues, and achieve a greater understanding of the intelligence challenges to regional security. APICC also sets the conditions to build upon already established information sharing relationships between partner nations. APICC fosters these relationships and expands the regional information sharing network to ensure continued situational awareness in the event of crises impacting or jeopardizing regional stability.
Through high-level engagements and intercessional programs, APICC focuses on intelligence and security cooperation, information sharing, and practical exercises developing skills and capability. APICC programs include the annual USPACOM J2 HA/DR Table Top Exercise (TTX) which hosts field-grade representatives from approximately 15 partner nations and leverages their expertise in support of HA/DR operations. The APICC HA/DR TTX is an interactive forum where participants review, apply, and refine the Information Sharing Guidelines for Military Reponses to Relief Operations and reinforce the utility of the All Partners Access Network (APAN) APICC HA/DR community of interest. The HA/DR TTX helps to build a network for information sharing before, during, and following HA/DR events in order to understand lessons learned, and also to provide participating officers a mechanism to seek and request assistance from regional partners. show less