JLOTS Trident Pier delivering... 06.25.24 | PO1 Jordan KirkJohnson | USARCENT U.S. Army Soldiers, U.S. Navy Sailors, and Israel Defense Forces, conduct operations to make the Trident Pier fully operational for humanitarian...
Trident Pier Build to Support Gaza... 05.04.24 | PO1 Jordan KirkJohnson | JPASE U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to the 7th Transportation Brigade (Expeditionary), assemble the Trident pier in the Port of Ashdod, Israel, May 4,...
Sergeant Major of the Army Meets with... 07.13.24 | PO2 Isaak Martinez | ACB-1 Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer, center, poses for a photo with Soldiers and Sailors aboard USNS 1st Lt. Baldomero Lopez in the Port of...
Sergeant Major of the Army Meets with... 07.13.24 | PO2 Isaak Martinez | ACB-1 Capt. Joel G. Stewart, Commodore, Naval Beach Group 1 (NBG 1), left, speaks to Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer, aboard the USNS 1st Lt....
Sergeant Major of the Army Meets with... 07.13.24 | PO2 Isaak Martinez | ACB-1 Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer, left, speaks with Capt. Joel G. Stewart, Commodore, Naval Beach Group 1 (NBG 1), aboard the USNS 1st...
Sergeant Major of the Army Meets with... 07.13.24 | PO2 Isaak Martinez | ACB-1 Capt. Joel G. Stewart, Commodore, Naval Beach Group 1 (NBG 1), left, greets Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer, aboard the USNS 1st Lt....
U.S. Army Soldier Serves in Gaza... 06.11.24 | PO1 Jordan KirkJohnson | JPASE Sergeant Sean Kittle, an 11B infantryman from Trenton, Ga., serving with the Georgia National Guard's 48th Infantry Brigade, plays a key role in...
From Sailor to Soldier: Return to the Sea... 06.04.24 | SSG Malcolm Cohens-Ashley | USARCENT For the fourth time in his career, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Calvin Tanner has found himself in the Mediterranean Sea. The former U.S. Navy Sailor...
U.S. Army Infantryman: Honoring Tradition... 06.03.24 | SSG Mikayla Fritz | USARCENT Staff Sgt. Corey Bond, a dedicated, loving family man and proud American Soldier. A Soldier that not only salutes the flag, but one who brings a...
U.S. Navy Sailor: The Giving Back Tour... 06.03.24 | PO1 Kelby Sanders | ACB-1 U.S. Navy Boatswain’s Mate 3rd Class Xolanyer Mirandacastillo, from Arecibo, Puerto Rico, is deployed with Navy Cargo Handling Battalion (NCHB)...