Unplanned Chemical Weapons Materiel (CWM) response 05.01.19 | Bethani Crouch | CMA CMA can quickly respond to unplanned CWM recoveries on site; such recoveries are most often in response to CWM unearthed during range clearing...
Portable Isotopic Neutron Spectroscopy (PINS) 05.01.19 | Bethani Crouch | CMA CMA uses PINS as a transportable non-intrusive assessment system to analyze and provide on-site information about the contents of unidentified...
Mobile Munitions Assessment System (MMAS) 05.01.19 | Bethani Crouch | CMA CMA uses the Mobile Munitions Assessment System (MMAS) to provide analysis of recovered items with unknown fills. The MMAS has three main tools:...
Explosive Destruction System (EDS) training 05.01.19 | Bethani Crouch | CMA The Explosive Destruction System (EDS) has a well-documented history of safe and successful operation, destroying recovered chemical warfare...