This feature page highlights imagery of U.S. Customs and Border Protection helping to provide relief to areas impacted by Hurricane Milton
This feature page highlights content related to the U.S.Governments response to rescue and relief efforts to areas impacted by Hurricane Milton
This content showcases NCAA football shout-outs. To have your NCAA shout-out featured here use tag NCAAFootball.
First Army Division West hosts a ceremony dedicating the division conference room to S/Sgt Waverly Woodson who was recently posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his dedication and sacrifices in World War II.
Freezing Winds is an annual Finnish-Navy-hosted multinational naval exercise conducted in the Gulf of Finland and the greater Northern Baltic Sea. The exercise will feature an array of field training ranging from platoon-level live-fire, an amphibious assault, maritime strikes, and aviation sorties. The exercise is designed to increase interoperability and enhance strategic and tactical...
The Joint Civilian Orientation Conference is DOD’s oldest and most prestigious public liaison program. Established in 1948, it is the only Secretary of Defense-sponsored outreach program that enables American business and community leaders to have a full immersive experience with their military. Americans learn more about their military and the men and women who serve. Participants are fully...
This page is to show imagery connected to MG25.
This page is to show imagery connected to MG23.