This page includes content related to Operation Shadow Fire
Elements of the U.S. 7th Fleet will participate in the Indonesian navy sponsored Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo 16 (MNEK), a joint exercise with ASEAN and ASEAN plus countries to build relationships and develop interoperability. The exercise will have a senior leader tabletop exercise as well as a land-based CPX and an at-sea operational phase. The exercise will also conduct civic Action...
The Saturday Proficiency Jump Program (SPJP) builds proficiency, experience, and confidence of individual Paratroopers, insuring the XVIII Airborne Corps remains ready for contingency response missions.
Missouri Army and Air National Guardsmen begin a three-day marksmanship training mission and competition at Camp Crowder in Neosho, Missouri. The challenge, known as the Adjutant General State Combat Match Rifle/Pistol Championships, will bring together more than 100 of the Guard’s best marksmen who will shoot both the M16 and M9 toward targets at distances ranging 15 to 300 yards in a...
CENTAM SMOKE is a quarterly training exercise hosted by Joint
Task Force-Bravo at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras. Central American
participants in order to build partner capacity and improve each other's
abilities to fight fires in new and demanding scenarios.
MEDRETEs support humanitarian and civic assistance operations to enhance U.S. and Central American relations and support medical training with host nation military forces, as well as government and civilian organizations.
Operation Caracol is a counter-drug partnership between the U.S. and Belize to put Belizean security forces in the front seat in terms of establishing potential areas where marijuana farms might exist, determining their impact to the drug trade in the region and then eliminating fields they identified as targets.
Operation Caravana provides the Honduran military freedom of movement and access to the isolated areas in order to continue their security operations. These troop movements and logistics re-supply flights will occur on an as-needed basis.