Operation CNA is designed to improve operational compatibility between the U.S. and Mexican armed forces by conducting coordinated activities and developing and integrating exercise processes and procedures. The operation is in coordination with Operation Jaguar Strike, which occurs July 15th - August 10th, 2024 at Fort Cavazos, Texas.
MISSION STATEMENT: Replicate a wartime ACE scenario with C2, BOS, and MGFEs, demonstrating the CC&D, tech and TTPs that will complicate Level 1/2 ground threat and groups 1-3 UAS targeting and test friendly force survivability while still generating combat power in a scripted, live-fly.
A collection of information highlighting the technology contributions of the Aerospace Systems Directorate.
Arctic Defender is part of a months-long deployment hosted by the German Air Force – Pacific Skies 24. Germany, France and Spain are partners in the trinational Future Combat Air System FCAS, and as the first stop in their deployment, Arctic Defender is a field training exercise (FTX) for U.S. and international forces flown under simulated air combat conditions.
Medal of Honor awarded to Private Philip G. Shadrach and Private George D. Wilson for acts of gallantry and intrepidity while serving with the 2d Ohio Volunteer Infantry in Georgia on 12 April 1862. Andrews' Raiders.
Resolute Dragon is an annual bilateral exercise between the U.S. Marine Corps and Japan Self-Defense Force that strengthens the defensive capabilities of the U.S.-Japan alliance. Resolute Dragon focuses on enhancing bilateral command and control, multi-domain maneuver, and fires and effects in a geographically distributed environment. Bilateral exercises like Resolute Dragon demonstrate the...
VS24 is a multinational, biennial field training exercise focused on integrating interoperability training in a multi-domain environment. This training builds real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces through detecting, locating, tracking, and engaging units at sea, in the air, in space, on land, and in cyberspace in response to a range of mission areas.
Koa Moana is comprised of approximately 200 U.S. Marines and Sailors from 1st Marine Logistics Group and I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, who will task-organize into multiple detachments with expertise in providing engineering, medical, maritime law enforcement, and explosive ordnance disposal capabilities.