JUNIPER FALCON is a joint, biannual U.S.-Israel rapid deployment and contingency response exercise designed to enhance interoperability between the U.S. and Israeli militaries. While the exercise is driven by the regional dynamics of the Middle East, it is not related to any specific events or developments.
Flintlock 2019 is U.S. Africa Command's premier special operations forces exercise. The exercise strengthens security institutions, promotes multilateral sharing of information, and develops interoperability among the partner nations of the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership. Approximately 2,000 personnel from more than 30 African and western nations are set to participate in this...
Flintlock 2018 is U.S. Africa Command's premier special operations forces exercise. The exercise strengthens security institutions, promotes multilateral sharing of information, and develops interoperability among the partner nations of the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership. Approximately 1,500 personnel from more than 25 African and western nations are set to participate in this...
Flintlock 2017 is U.S. Africa Command's premier special
operations forces exercise. The exercise strengthens security institutions,
promotes multilateral sharing of information, and develops interoperability
among the partner nations of the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership.
Flintlock 2016 is U.S. Africa Command's premier special operations forces exercise. The exercise strengthens security institutions, promotes multilateral sharing of information, and develops interoperability among the partner nations of the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership.
Flintlock 15, U.S. Africa Command's premier special operations forces exercise, will be hosted by Chad with outstations in Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Tunisia Feb. 16 - March 9, 2015. The exercise strengthens security institutions, promotes multilateral sharing of information, and develops interoperability among the partner nations of the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership.
The Defense Visual Information Records Center (DVIRC) collects, curates, manages, digitizes and preserves historic physical images that are permanent DoD VI records. The VI Records Center:
Operates as the central DoD VI records center for the economical and efficient collection, storage, curation, and accessioning to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) of all permanent...
Enlisted and commissioned Airmen across the Department of the Air Force raised their right hands in enlistment ceremonies as they transferred into the U.S. Space Force beginning Sept. 1, 2020. The Space Force is the United States' newest service in more than 70 years.