Memorial ceremony honoring the life and service of U.S. Army Pfc. Robert B. Giffen III at Camp Frank D. Merrill, Dahlonega, Ga.
Major Lisa Jaster is the first female Army Reservist and third female to graduate from Ranger School.
U.S. Army Capt. Florent Groberg was awarded the Medal of Honor Nov. 12, 2015, for actions during a combat engagement in Kunar province, Afghanistan, Aug. 8, 2012. Capt. Groberg was the commander of a personal security detail for the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, when he and another Soldier, Sgt. Andrew Mahoney, identified and tackled a suicide bomber, saving the lives of the...
U.S. Navy Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Edward Byers to be awarded the Medal of Honor Feb. 29, 2016, for actions during the rescue of an American hostage in Afghanistan Dec. 9, 2012.
First Lt. Cale Simmons is a U.S. Air Force World Class Athlete Program member and will be competing in the men's pole vault at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janero, Brazil. This page is dedicated to his journey and Olympic experience there.
Retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Charles Kettles was awarded the Medal of Honor July 18, 2016, for his actions while serving as a Flight Commander assigned to the 176th Aviation Company (Airmobile) (Light), 14th Combat Aviation Battalion, Americal Division. Then-Maj. Kettles distinguished himself in combat operations near Duc Pho, Republic of Vietnam, on May 15, 1967. He led a platoon of UH-1D...
This feature page highlights a Spanish-language video testimonial of a Central American woman who voluntarily shares her terrifying journey to the north. The migrants endured horrific acts of violence and sexual abuse from smugglers, or coyotes. Their stories highlight the severe dangers of making the journey and add credibility to official campaign messages. This is one of many such accounts....