Kosovo Force Mission Rehearsal Exercise is designed to prepare the U.S. units for operations in support of NATO in Kosovo. The exercise is based on the current operational environment and is designed to prepare the unit for peace support, stability and contingency operations in support of Kosovo civil authorities to maintain a safe and secure environment.
I Marine Expeditionary Force Commanding General Lt. Gen. Joseph L. Osterman relinquishes command to Lt. Gen. Karsten S. Heckl during a change of command ceremony at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton July 31, 2020. Osterman will retire after 30 years of honorable service.
BALTOPS is the premier annual maritime-focused exercise in the Baltic Region, marking the 49th year of one of the largest exercises in Northern Europe enhancing flexibility and interoperability among allied and partner nations.
Training videos by NAE Park Rangers for new, temporary and seasonal Park Rangers working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District
Eighth Army's Best Warrior Competition began May 31 and will feature 20 events through June 7. #8ABestWarrior20.
The U.S. Army Africa Best Warrior Competition, scheduled for June 2-4, selects the best junior officers, NCOs and Soldiers south of the Alps.
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The U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are proud to present Virtual Fleet Week New York 2020, May 20-26, hosted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This is the first time the Navy has hosted Fleet Week in a virtual environment. The weeklong event is a new way for the residents of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area to continue to take part in the annual celebration despite...