Vigilant Guard 19-4 is the largest disaster and emergency management response training exercise in Ohio history, being conducted Aug. 5-8, 2019, at more than 10 locations throughout the state and involving more than 3,000 civilian and military personnel representing 90 local, state and federal agencies.
Col. Melvin G. Carter will be promoted to Brigadier General in the United States Marine Corps by Lt. Gen. Vincent R. Stewart (Ret.) in a ceremony to be held at the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle, Virginia, at 2:00 p.m., Friday, August 9, 2019. Upon being appointed to the rank of brigadier general, Carter will serve as the Director of Intelligence, Headquarters Marine Corps.
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Department of Defense Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) Worldwide Conference is the largest intelligence community conference that brings together experts and innovators from the military, industry, government, and academia to share their unique insights on IT challenges, the future of IT, information sharing, data and global security.
Southern Partnership Station (SPS) is an annual series of U.S. Navy deployments focused on exchanges with regional partner nation militaries and security forces. SPS 2019 will consist of fly-away deployments of adaptive force packages (AFPs) to Barbados, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Peru that will conduct training and subject matter expert exchanges to improve capacity in medical, dive...
The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps is selected by the Commandant of the Marine Corps to serve as his advisor and as the preeminent and highest ranking enlisted Marine with a protocol equivalency of a three-star general officer. The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps typically serves a four-year term, though his service is at the discretion of the Commandant of the Marine Corps. 'Sergeant...
Dr. Mark T. Esper became the Acting Secretary of Defense June 24, 2019, and was sworn in as the 27th Secretary of Defense July 23, 2019. Prior to this assignment he served as the 23rd Secretary of the Army. The former Raytheon Co. vice president, who also worked on Capitol Hill, previously served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense (negotiations policy) and earlier on the Army staff...
U.S. 5th Fleet and the Egyptian Naval Force (ENF) are working together during exercise Eagle Salute 19, a surface exercise designed to enhance interoperability and war-fighting readiness, fortify military-to-military relationships and advance operational capabilities of all participating units. Eagle Salute 19 also incorporates Eagle Response 19, an explosive ordnance exercise, to provide...
REGIONAL COOPERATION 2019 (RC 19) is a multilateral U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) command-post exercise, held in conjunction with regional partners from Central and South Asia. Tajikistan will lead this year's exercise, which will take place 5 -16 August in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Nearly 200 personnel from the U.S., Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, and observers from Pakistan will...