Raider Competitions are athletic competitions held at JROTC programs around the world. Events take place outdoors and usually consists of individual strength test (push-ups, tire-drag, obstacle course, etc.), distance team running events, first aid events, and some form of rope bridge construction/crossing.
The U.S. Army JROTC Raider National Championships are a three-day event that...
The Army Aviation Brigade recently flew a training mission over the National Mall during the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, District of Columbia. Missions like this are designed to sustain pilots' ability to navigate one of the most challenging airspaces in the continental United States due to its heavy air traffic and restricted areas. TAAB pilots must be ready to respond to...
Exercise Salaknib, first conducted in 2016, is a two-week army-to-army exercise between the United States Army and the PA. This year, the U.S. Army's 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (2IBCT), 25th Infantry Division (25ID) is providing the majority of U.S. Army forces. The purpose of this exercise is to increase military readiness, reinforce interoperability, and strengthen relationships....
Fiscal Year 24 Korea Flying Training (KFT 24) is a combined training event focused on tactical execution of combat missions to maintain military readiness. KFT 24 is part of the ROK-U.S. alliance's routine, annual training program to maintain military readiness.
The 106th Rescue Wing, New York Air National Guard (ANG), sent nearly 200 members to participate in an exercise at the Savannah Combat Readiness Training Center (CRTC) in Savannah Ga., Feb. 26 - March 8, 2024.
Tiger TRIUMPH, which stands for Tri-Services India U.S. Amphibious Exercise, is an combined and joint exercise that takes place near Visakhapatnam and Kakinada, India. The training events enhance U.S.-India military-to-military relations and hone individual and small-unit skills in humanitarian assistance and disaster response. The exercise includes staff-planning events, as well as field...
The Pentagon will host "Bring a Child to Work Day" on April 25, 2024. This year's theme "Inspire 2 Aspire" instills a mindset that children can choose their own future. #DODKIDSDAY
Congressional Gold Medal honoring the 23d Headquarters Special Troops and the 3133d Signal Service Company, popularly known as the ‘‘Ghost Army’’, in recognition of their unique and highly distinguished service in conducting deception operations in Europe during World War II.