The two-phase training event focuses on refining peacekeeping and peace support operations tasks, while improving interoperability and military cooperation with key partner nations. Participants include U.S., UK and Kazakhstani soldiers. Steppe Eagle provides multilateral forces with the opportunity to promote cooperation among participating forces, practice crisis management, and enhance...
Exercise Anakonda Response 2016 (AR16) is a joint, multinational evaluation exercise taking place at Papa Air Base, Hungary from 23 APR - 8 MAY 2016 that involves U.S. Army Reserve forces. This exercise involves participants from the Hungarian MOD, the U.S. military, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute and local Hungarian officials. Anakonda Response...
Centennial Rogue 2016 is a collective training exercise that is set in the greater-Denver area and resembles enemy techniques, tactics, and procedures that foreign terrorist organizations have used in recent history. This exercise will resemble a scenario similar to the Paris attacks of 2015. Centennial Rogue will involve contingency support teams, homeland response forces, fatality search and...
Aegis Ashore, a critical part of the European Phased Approach (EPAA), is a land-based capability of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BDM) System constructed to defend against missile threats from outside the Euro-Atlantic area.
The FEMA Region IX Homeland Response Force (HRF) will conduct a Field Training Exercise (FTX) at MTC Camp Roberts, CA in order to be evaluated by JITEC and recommended for validation by the TAG. The training mission will be accomplished by organizations within the 49th MP BDE and the California Air National Guard.
Cyber Shield is a defensively focused cyber exercise that is designed to develop, train, and exercise National Guard cyber-capable forces, Cyber Network Defense Teams (CND-T), threat analysis teams, reporting mechanisms, and leaders. The purpose of the exercise is to provide a collective training event for the evaluation of CND-Ts and to set the conditions for team validation.
Fifty Airmen from the New York Air National Guard's 109th Airlift Wing and two LC-130 ski-equipped aircraft are in the High Arctic supporting the Canadian Forces annual Operation Nunalivut exercise in Canada's Nunavut Territory.
Aviators from the U.S. Army Alaska Aviation Task Force at Fort Wainwright will assist the National Park Service by transporting equipment and supplies to set up base camps for the 2016 Denali climbing season. CH-47F Chinook helicopters from Company B, 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment will sling-load the supplies from Talkeetna to the mountain on Sunday, April 24, depending on weather....