The 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) Capabilities Exercise is designed to educate representatives from the Department of Defense and Joint Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) organizations on U.S. Army and CBRNE tactical operations in contingency environments.
Luke Air Force Base will host Forging Sabre, an exercise involving the 425th Fighter Squadron and members of the Republic of Singapore armed forces. The exercise includes night and weekend flying operations at Luke AFB and the Barry M. Goldwater Range complex.
Advanced Integration is the graduation exercise for the U.S. Air Force Weapons School which takes place twice a year. It involves the planning and execution of every aspect of air and space combat operations with units converging over the Nevada Test and Training Range for a wide variety of missions.
U.S.Lt. Col. George Mattar, a Citadel alumni and former Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE) commander, was killed on Jan. 13, 1982 when his flight, Florida Airlines No. 90, crashed into the waters of the Potomac River. Aboard this flight were 74 passengers, of which only six survived. Also killed were Maj. Ralph Herman, JCSE's Chief of Operations, and Sergeant Major James Dixon. In...
U.S. Soldiers with the Texas Army National Guard, in conjunction with the U.S. Air Force, conducted a simulated airfield seizure operation.
U.S.-UK Mine Countermeasures Exercise (MCMEX) is a NAVCENT-led, bi-lateral exercise with the Royal Navy conducted quarterly to increase mutual ability to support and execute coalition mine warfare operations and to enhance military-to-military relationship.
The Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop - a Fort Bragg airborne operation
tradition and collective training exercise - is set to begin in early
December. Operation Toy Drop combines U.S. Army Reserve personnel, Army
paratroopers, dozens of volunteers and partner nation military personnel,
more than a dozen Air Force aircraft and toys.all for what has become the
world's largest...
Razor Talon is the premiere training initiative that provides a low-cost large force exercise (LFE) training opportunity for joint East Coast tactical and support aviation units it offers limitless Joint integration opportunities for Marines/AF/Navy/Army/Coast Guard.