USS Carney (DDG 64) sets to join USS Donald Cook (DDG 75), USS Ross (DDG 71), and USS Porter (DDG 78) at NAVSTA Rota, Spain - operating forward in the Europe theater. These ships will continue to operate alongside partners and build critical relationships made possible by being postured forward in Europe, aligning with the CNO's Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower.
The 68th Air Force Birthday page is a one stop shop for all Air Force Birthday related media products from around the globe. This year is the 68th Anniversary of the Air Force Birthday and the theme is Wild Blue Yonder: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Yesterday’s Airmen set high standards through dedication to duty and innovation to succeed. Today’s diverse Airmen stand ready to fly, fight...
The 9-11 Memorial Airborne Operation commemorated the events that occurred
on 11 September 2001 and was an opportunity for the participants to
celebrate the lives of service members that have made the ultimate
sacrifice. There were two locations for this event. The 528th Support
Brigade Special Operations(A) hosted a jump at Camp Mackall, North Carolina
and the 310th PSYOP Company hosted...
Recruit graduation is known as Pass-In-Review. It is a formal military ceremony which honors a recruit’s hard work and dedication to a new way of life, and ties together the future of the Navy with our long-held Naval traditions and customs.
This page includes news, video and images related to the Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation ceremonies. For more information about NRTCG, go...
DreamLift provides senior corporate leaders and officials with a first-hand look at our Veteran’s technical experience and capabilities - and the proximity of employable Veterans to our technology centers.
DreamLift is a CH-47 Chinook military helicopter experience over the sights of San Francisco to Moffett Federal Airfield in Mountain View, California during Dreamforce. Attendees will...
The Non-Lethal Weapons Executive Seminar (NOLES) is an annual Marine Corps Forces Pacific theater security cooperation event focusing on the use of nonlethal weapons. The exercise is held in a different nation each year.
Utah National Guard was deployed to assist local authorities with protecting lives and property after flooding in Hildale, Utah.
General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., the 36th Commandant of the Marine Corps, will pass command to Gen. Robert B. Neller during a ceremony at Marine Corps Barracks Washington, D.C., September 24 at 10 a.m. Gen. Dunford is scheduled to become the 19th Chairman of the Joint Staff September 25, 2015.