The U.S. Aviation Detachment in Poland fosters bilateral defense ties, enhances regional security, and increases interoperability among NATO allies through combined training exercises with periodic rotational aircraft.
2015 Army Birthday Ball b-roll video in support of the 240th Army Birthday.
The U.S. Army has initiated a gender integrated Ranger Course Assessment (RCA) for the first time in the more than 60 year history of the course. This assessment will help prepare Army leaders, Army schools, and the Army for continued success and future integration decisions.
U.S. Army Europe soldiers provide training and associated non-lethal equipment to Ukrainian National Guard security forces as part of a joint Department of Defense and Department of State initiative to assist Ukraine in strengthening its internal defense.
The Department's mission is to shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just, and democratic world and foster conditions for stability and progress for the benefit of the American people and people everywhere. This mission is shared with the USAID, ensuring we have a common path forward in partnership as we invest in the shared security and prosperity that will ultimately better prepare us...
Full Court Press is a campaign to assist leaders at all levels of the Army Reserve in the retention of qualified, proven assets who are already within our ranks, but may be considering leaving the Army Reserve. This feature page provides success stories highlighting Soldiers, units and commands who are making a difference by employing time-honored unit strength management practices combined...
Diálogo is a U.S. Southern Command-produced digital publication directed at partner nation military and defense leaders in the SOUTHCOM area of operation. Diálogo highlights collaboration and provides a forum for discussion between the U.S. and partner nations throughout the region.
The Visual Information Production Awards (VIAP) program recognizes the best Department of Defense VI productions achieving the official communication requirements of a Military Component or subordinate organization. It operates under the aegis of the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs and is administered by the Defense Information School as part of a...