108th Training Command 2024 Ceremonies - MG Dyer, William III
The Marine Leaders of the Americas Conference is a bi-annual conference that allows Marine leaders from North, Central, and South America a venue to discuss regional issues and develop professional relationships.
Joint Exercise Cobra Gold 2025 (CG25) will take place February 25 through March 7, 2025, in the Kingdom of Thailand. This year’s exercise will consist of three primary events: a command-and-control exercise, humanitarian civic assistance projects, and a field training exercise that includes a variety of training events to enhance interoperability and strengthen regional relationships.
The observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is established by Public Law and Presidential Proclamation. NDEAM is observed from 1-31 October each year. The awareness event is observed so that Americans may reaffirm commitment to ensuring equal opportunity for all citizens and so that they may pay tribute to the accomplishments of people with disabilities who...
U.S. Army Health Clinic Vicenza, Italy Maternity Briefing
Aero India 2019, held Feb. 10-14, 2025, at Air Force Station Yelahanka, Bengaluru, India, is the premier aerospace exhibition and trade show in India. This year’s exhibition will be the 15th iteration since its inception in 1996.
Space Launch Delta 30 is a thriving Spaceport on the coast of California. Each video in this series highlights the units and personnel who make this base the Gateway to the Future. Welcome to Space Country.
The 10th Mountain Division (LI) commemorates the hardships and trials the original 10th Mountain Soldiers endured to prepare for combat by hosting annual competitions and events, which include D-Series, Legacy Days, and Mountain Fest. The name “D-Series” refers to the culminating winter training event that the Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division went through in March-April 1944 to...