Media documenting the arrival and transit of qualified evacuees from Afghanistan in the USEUCOM theater.
Media documenting the evacuation of U.S. and partner civilians from Afghanistan.
Since April 2014, U.S. Army Europe and Africa has led the Department of Defense’s Atlantic Resolve land efforts by rotating units based in the U.S. to Europe. There are four types of U.S. Army Atlantic Resolve rotations – armored, aviation, sustainment task force and division headquarters. Rotational units conduct bilateral, joint and multinational training events across more than a dozen...
The following photos and video products are of the United States Armed Forces retrograde in Afghanistan.
This feature page highlights U.S. Forces participation in activities in the Normandy region of France June 1-9, 2019 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the allied invasion. Download and share video, stills, and stories to honor the service and sacrifice of the Greatest Generation during WWII.
On April 18, 1942, airmen of the US Army Air Forces launched from the USS Hornet and carried the Battle of the Pacific to the heart of the Japanese empire with a surprising and daring raid on military targets at Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya and Kobe. This heroic attack, led by Lt. Col. James H. (Jimmy) Doolittle, was the result of coordination between the Army Air Forces and the US Navy...
U.S. Southern Command’s enhanced presence will support ongoing whole-of-government and internationally supported operations to reduce the availability of illicit drugs and save lives in the United States and throughout the region. The intent is to reduce the flow of illicit drugs, degrade transnational criminal organizations, and increase interoperability with our partner nations and...
Operation Desert Storm was the first conflict in history to make comprehensive use of stealth and space systems support capabilities against a modern, integrated air defense. U.S. forces brought new weapons to the fight, including stealth aircraft, global positioning system devices, and precision guided technologies--these proved essential in neutralizing Iraq's more than 700 combat aircraft,...