The North Carolina National Guard's 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team was selected to be the first National Guard unit to field test the Next Generation Squad Weapon. The Next Generation Squad Weapon Rifle, the XM7, is a modular, piston driven, select fire, magazine fed, 6.8mm rifle that will replace the M4/M4A1 carbine within the Close Combat Force. The weapon is a lightweight, belt-fed, light...
Fort Hunter Liggett (FHL) hosts annual July 4th celebration called Freedom Fest to give back to the community. The FREE public event includes fireworks, family-friendly activities, and many displays to showcase the Army, Army Reserve and FHL mission.
Ultimate Caduceus is an annual patient movement exercise designed to test the ability of U.S. Transportation Command to provide medical evacuation in both the field and in computer-simulated settings.
Since its first iteration in 1982, Orient Shield has focused on the development and refinement of the JGSDF and USARPAC’s efforts in the areas of bilateral planning, coordination, and interoperability. Training and readiness are essential to generating credible deterrence in an increasingly complex regional security environment. This exercise underscores a continued commitment by both the...
U.S. Army Pacific's Best Warrior Competition is an annual competition where USARPAC subordinate units send their best qualified soldiers to compete against each other to become the USARPAC Best Warrior. The winners of the USARPAC Best Warrior Competition will go on to compete in the U.S. Army's Best Warrior Competition.
Mountain Fest 2024 highlights the 10th Mountain Division's legacy as the premiere alpine unit in the Army. The week of 17-22 June 2024 the division will showcase our esprit de corps and our Soldiers' excellence.
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U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF) conducts medical readiness exercises in Africa every year. These exercises join U.S. Army medical units with partner nation military medical providers for 3-week clinics in Africa. The interface provides U.S. Army medical professionals valuable knowledge of procedures and capabilities for care across Africa. The experience enhances the...