Join us on this journey of exploration and celebration, as we unveil the stories of resilience, courage, and diversity that make our Soldiers the true embodiment of the Army's greatest strength—its people.
Through articles, images, and videos, we bring you firsthand accounts, personal reflections, and the remarkable achievements of Soldiers who make a difference not only in their...
Media in relation to the 2023 Army/Navy Football Game week of events
USASOC Celebrates its 30th Anniversary
U.S. Army Special Operations Command celebrates its 30th anniversary, Dec. 1, 2019. The U.S. Army established USASOC on Fort Bragg, North Carolina, as a major command, days before the start of Operation Just Cause in Panama. USASOC consists of approximately 33,000 Soldiers and Civilians spread across four major subordinate commands, including the 1st...
Michigan Army and Air National Guardsmen compete in the Governor's 20 cup shooting competition.
Torch Athena is an Air Education and Training Command initiative to promote female empowerment across the MAJCOM. The mission is to “leverage education to enact change and develop empowered female Airmen.”
This is a feature page includes news and feature stories about stand-out Marines stationed at Camp Pendleton that have made an impact to the installation, surrounding community or their hometown.
This year-long AETC-specific narrative is meant to focus on how the Airmen of AETC have been inspired to remain in service. This is meant to serve as a support to AFRS’s “Go Blue, Stay Blue.”