The U.S. National Guard assisted local authorities in disaster relief efforts after tornadoes swept across Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Hand Picked Stories from all the content submitted by Public Affairs and Combat Camera Personnel World wide. Stories come to us in many different forms. We are looking for the ones that move us.
Korean Marine Exchange Program (KMEP) is a regularly scheduled multinational exercise that focuses on the integration of aviation and ground assets within the construct of a traditional Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise and is designed to enhance the combat readiness of the U.S and Korean troops. KMEP also familiarizes U.S. Marines with the Korean Peninsula and builds upon an existing strong...
Military mountaineering instructors from the Nepalese
army train with cadre from U.S. Army Alaska's Northern Warfare Training
Center at the Black Rapids Training Site.
The mission of Training and Education Command (TECOM) is to develop, coordinate, resource, execute, and evaluate training and education concepts, policies, plans, and programs to ensure Marines are prepared to meet the challenges of present and future operational environments.
We will keep faith with the legacy of innovation which has always been the hallmark of Marines - specifically visionaries here at Quantico like Pete Ellis, Victor "Brute" Krulak, and countless others. Together, we will remain faithful to our mission and high calling to ensure that the Marine Corps is properly organized, trained, and equipped, today and tomorrow, to generate balanced Marine...
Marines with 1st Marine Logistics Group discuss the professional and personal benefits of a successful special duty assignment tour.
Protect What You've Earned is a philosophy that reinforces the Marine Corps ethos of Honor, Courage and Commitment. Marines and Sailors protect what they've earned by making responsible decisions: behaving in ways that are honorable, displaying the courage to step in when someone else is not, and being committed to living and enforcing the standards of the Marine Corps. This philosophy is...