The Secretary of Defense has designated November as Warrior Care Month (WCM), which is defined as, "a Department of Defense-wide effort aimed at increasing awareness of programs and resources available to wounded, ill, and injured (WII) Service members, their families, and those who care about them".
The week of 14 - 18 November 2022 has been designated Warrior Care Week (WCW). During WCW,...
Senior Department of the Air Force are visiting with Airmen and Guardians around the globe who stand watch 24-7-365 to show appreciation for their efforts, sacrifice and to recognize and increase awareness of this vital mission.
USCGC Hamilton (WMSL - 753) will conduct engagements and joint exercises with allies and partner nations as part of United States European Command to promote regional stability, security, and collaborative partnerships.
Active Shield is an annual bilateral exercise partnering U.S and Japanese forces for the protection and defense of MCAS Iwakuni and other assets in the region in order to sustain military operations in support of the U.S.-Japan Alliance.
Active Shield is an annual bilateral exercise partnering U.S and Japanese forces for the protection and defense of MCAS Iwakuni and other assets in the region in order to sustain military operations in support of the U.S.-Japan Alliance
VIGILANT STORM is a regularly scheduled event that allows for combined and joint training at the operational and tactical levels. It is not in response to any recent world events, but is the culmination of many months of planning. Combat readiness is perishable, and the training value of Vigilant Storm is one of the highlights of the year, as the Republic of Korea and United States armed...
Keen Sword 23 is a biennial U.S. Pacific Fleet-sponsored field training exercise (FTX). KS23 is a joint/bilateral FTX involving U.S. military and Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) personnel (as well as some other partner participants) in the vicinity of Japan from 10 through 19 November 2022. KS23 is designed to enhance Japan-U.S. readiness and interoperability while strengthening the bilateral...
Imagery of Lightning Challenge 2022