Fuerzas Comando 2017 is Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff-approved, and U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)-sponsored, special operations skills competition and combating terrorism fellowship program under the responsibility of Commander, Special Operations Command South (SOCSOUTH).
History: Fuerzas Comando is a competition held annually since 2004. The competition first held in El Salvador...
The Boy Scouts of America will host the 2017 National Jamboree July 19-28 at its home - the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, West Virginia. In accordance with the Congressional Support Our Scouts Act of 1995, Commander, U.S. Northern Command was directed to plan, coordinate, and execute military support to the National Jamboree. Brig. Gen. Russell Crane, W.Va. assistant adjutant...
Seattle Seafair Fleet Week is an opportunity for the American public to meet their Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard team and experience America's sea services. During Fleet Week, service members will participate in various community service events, showcase capabilities and equipment to the community, and enjoy the hospitality the city of Seattle and surrounding areas have to offer.
The Invictus Games, established by Prince Harry in 2014, brings together wounded and injured veterans from 17 nations for 12 adaptive sporting events, including track and field, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, swimming, sitting volleyball, and new to the 2017 games, golf.
Wounded warriors from across the Marine Corps converge in Chicago June 30 - 8 July, where they will compete in eight adaptive sport competitions, against service members from throughout world during the 2017 Department of Defense Warrior Games.
The 2017 U.S. Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition is the premier showcase for U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers to demonstrate their technical and tactical skills to determine the top noncommissioned officer and junior enlisted Soldier from the 205,000 men and women serving in America's Army Reserve - the most capable, combat-ready and lethal Federal reserve in the history of the Nation. The top...
Warriors from multiple Army units around the Pacific compete in the Pacific Theater Week Best Warrior Competition, a grueling, week-long competition held in multiple training areas throughout Schofield Barracks on the island of Oahu. Fourteen Soldiers representing seven U.S. Army units will test their skills and knowledge against each other and Army standards. One of these professionals will...
Marine Week is the United States Marine Corps largest community relations program that brings over 700 Marines and personnel, future technology, current equipment, and aircraft to a different city every year for a weeklong series of events. From 6-10 September, 2017, Marine Week Detroit will feature hands-on static displays, live demonstrations, time-honored Marine Corps traditions, musical...