Headquartered at McGhee-Tyson Air National Guard Base near Knoxville, TN, the Air National Guard Band of the South is the official musical ambassador for the Tennessee Air National Guard, and supports the total Air Force and Air National Guard mission in war and peace by inspiring patriotism and fostering a deep appreciation of the rich history and legacy of the Air Force through exhilarating...
Raider Competitions are athletic competitions held at JROTC programs around the world. Events take place outdoors and usually consists of individual strength test (push-ups, tire-drag, obstacle course, etc.), distance team running events, first aid events, and some form of rope bridge construction/crossing.
The U.S. Army JROTC Raider National Championships are a three-day event that...
The United States Space Force media feature page houses the most up to date imagery on current missions the Space Force is conducting.
Exercise Keris Strike 2021 is a bilateral Army-to-Army military exercise between the Malaysian Army and United States Army Pacific. The exercise is a USARPAC capstone theater security cooperation event with Malaysia, conducted at the platoon level focusing on partner land force capacity and capabilities and exchange best practices for jungle operations and squad-level tactics.
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Soldiers will conduct shout outs to their College/NFL Football teams.
Exercise Southern Vanguard 2022 is a live-fire, air assault exercise between U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Brazilian army 5th Battalion, 12th Infantry Brigade. Exercise Southern Vanguard is the largest deployment of a U.S Army unit to train with the Brazilian army forces in Brazil and is designed to increase readiness, interoperability and shared military understanding...
A unified command consisting of the U.S. Coast Guard, Amplify Energy Corp., California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CDFW-OSPR), and supporting agencies of Orange and San Diego Counties, are coordinating to ensure effective management and mitigation of any oil pollution threats to the public, wildlife, and the environment and to efficiently clean...