Operation People First is a III Corps initiative to create trustworthy and engaged leaders, and build cohesive teams.
The Lighting Challenge is a TACP career field exclusive event. For years it was the annual 1C4/TACP Skills competition hosted by the TACP Schoolhouse out of Hurlburt Field, Florida. Location is Ft Hood, Texas and Reveille Peak Ranch.
The Defense Visual Information Records Center (DVIRC) collects, curates, manages, digitizes and preserves historic physical images that are permanent DoD VI records. The VI Records Center:
Operates as the central DoD VI records center for the economical and efficient collection, storage, curation, and accessioning to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) of all permanent...
Enlisted and commissioned Airmen across the Department of the Air Force raised their right hands in enlistment ceremonies as they transferred into the U.S. Space Force beginning Sept. 1, 2020. The Space Force is the United States' newest service in more than 70 years.
Noble Fury is a joint III Marine Expeditionary Force/7th Fleet field and command post training exercise intended to increase integration between both three star-level commands and increase III MEF’s capability to conduct command and control of distributed expeditionary advanced bases throughout the Indo-Pacific. The exercise tests new operating concepts and integrates all elements of the...
Marines and sailors from around the Marine Corps are participating in a Service Level Training Exercise at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, Oct. 5, 2020 to Nov. 25, 2020.
SLTE is a series of separate exercises designed to prepare the Marine Air Ground Task Force for operations around the globe by increasing their ability to operate and conduct offensive...
Defense Department support to the funeral in honor of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. For more information please contact the Military District of Washington, Public Affairs Office at (703) 835-6561.
The U.S. Army has partnered with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) to create the Digital Garrison mobile app. Digital Garrison integrates information from AAFES and two IMCOM-operated website networks: https://home.army.mil and https://www.armymwr.com/. Digital Garrison securely delivers information and facilitates access to a full range of installation Quality-of-Life services...