U.S. Border Patrol agents working in El Paso apprehend 1,036 illegal aliens. Agents took custody of the group members as they were attempting to illegally enter the U.S. in El Paso, Texas. May 29, 2019.
Oklahoma National Guard response to flooding Spring 2019. For More Information Please Contact: Col. (ret.) Charles Seitz, Oklahoma Military Department, Office of Public Affairs, 3501 Military Circle, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111-4305; (405) 228-5212 or (405) 250-8840 cell. https://ok.ng.mil
Camp Pendleton is hosting over 20 local, state, and federal agencies and departments as part of its 2019 Interagency Fire School. Over 300 firefighters from across California will be able to practice skills on actual fires such as: fighting wildland fires, conducting backburns and calling in aviation support from a CAL FIRE helicopter.
Significant wildland fires throughout San Diego...
Global Dragon is an Air National Guard led joint exercise training emergency management, explosive ordinance disposal, civil engineering, fire fighting personnel to respond to emergency and disaster situations in as close to real-world conditions as possible, which are cost prohibitive or impossible to create at home station.
Neon Response 19 is a bilateral explosive ordnance disposal and maritime security exercise with the Bahrain Defense Force. This exercise will provide an opportunity for the two nations to share knowledge and experiences to enhance mutual capabilities and interoperability. This is one of many exercises in which the U.S. military participates with partner nations in the U.S. Central Command area...
ARCTIC CHALLENGE EXERCISE 19 is a Nordic aviation training exercise hosted this year by the Swedish air force. ACE 19 provides vital scenario-based training in a realistic environment to prepare forces for enemy defensive systems. Developing a European-based flag exercise will serve to amplify defense training and interoperability between countries across northern Europe. The U.S. force's...
The Camp Paumalu IRT project is an Air National Guard lead joint services construction project funded by the Office of the Secretary of Defense Innovative Readiness Training program. Camp Paumalu is a two year partnership with the Girl Scouts of Hawaii to rebuild and modernize the STEM based Girl Scout Camp on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Project goals include the building of a two-story...
Tradewinds 2019 (TW19) is a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-approved, U.S. Southern Command-sponsored combined joint exercise conducted in conjunction with partner nations to enhance the collective ability of their defense forces and constabularies to counter transnational organized crime and conduct humanitarian assistance/disaster relief operations, while developing strong...