During Arctic Shield 2012, the Coast Guard performed its statutory missions to ensure the Arctic remained a safe, secure and environmentally sustainable region. The operation focused on operations, outreach and an assessment of capabilities. The harsh environment, limited infrastructure and logistics poseed unique challenges when conducting operations in the Arctic. To overcome these...
Beyond the Horizon is a U.S. Southern Command sponsored, U.S. Army South planned and led humanitarian and civic assistance exercise. The exercise lasts for several months and provides construction and medical assistance to partner nations throughout the Central and South America and Caribbean regions. The exercise is a major component of the U.S. military's regional engagement efforts and...
LEADING EDGE 13 is a United Arab Emirates and U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) executed and Inter-Agency (IA) supported biennial multilateral Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) exercise designed to enhance Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) interdiction capabilities with partner nations to deter and disrupt movement of WMD-related material, technology, expertise and equipment, to include...
Joint Exercise Cobra Gold 2025 (CG25) will take place February 25 through March 7, 2025, in the Kingdom of Thailand. This year’s exercise will consist of three primary events: a command-and-control exercise, humanitarian civic assistance projects, and a field training exercise that includes a variety of training events to enhance interoperability and strengthen regional relationships.
Exercise Iron Fist is an annual, bilateral amphibious training event between the U.S. Marine Corps and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force designed to improve our ability to coordinate and conduct combined amphibious operations at the battalion, company and platoon levels. This 18th iteration of exercise Iron Fist 24 will further develop the combined amphibious capabilities of the U.S. Marine...
Dawn Blitz 2017 is a multinational, scenario-driven, expeditionary maritime training exercise designed to train the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps in the operations expected of an amphibious task force while also building U.S. and coalition operational interoperability from the sea. Dawn Blitz 2017 will test staffs in planning and execution of amphibious operations in a series of live training...
Steel Knight is a three-phase exercise designed to train I Marine Expeditionary Force in the planning, deployment and command and control of a joint force against a peer or near-peer adversary combat force and enhance existing live-fire and maneuver capabilities of the MAGTF.
An annual opportunity for Fort Bragg's military community to help families in need over the holidays, Operation Toy Drop combines the efforts of Army, Air Force and civilian service organizations in a truly unique event.