The Republic of Korea (ROK) and the United States conducts Freedom Shield 2025 (FS25), an 11-day exercise set to reflect the Korea Theater of Operations – a combined, joint, multi-domain, and interagency operating environment.
This annual exercise aims to build understanding between Combined Forces Command, United States Forces Korea, the United Nations Command, and ROK Joint Chiefs of...
U.S. Airmen assigned to the Florida Air National Guard’s 125th Security Forces Squadron participate in a 72-hour field training exercise (FTX) at Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, Florida. Serving as the culmination of a 14-day air base ground defense training, this FTX refines combat tactics and land navigation, strengthening readiness by preparing Airmen for real-world challenges while...
Quarterly Underway Amphibious Readiness Training provides Commander 3rd Fleet and I Marine Expeditionary Force an opportunity to conduct amphibious training and integration to increase overall readiness, prepare for upcoming deployments, increase interoperability and build relationships across the naval amphibious force.
Operation Lethal Eagle is an 18-day division-wide training exercise. It's designed to train individual fundamentals and collective lethality. In addition, it effectively integrates transformation in contact and builds a mastery of its large-scale air assault capabilities throughout the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).
Images and stories to be considered for the Army Reserve At A Glance. Submissions are not guaranteed for use in the publication but will be reviewed and considered.
Cutlass Express is one of three African regional Express series exercises sponsored by U.S. Africa Command and enabled by U.S. 6th Fleet. Through CE 25, U.S. forces work alongside participating nations to improve combined maritime law enforcement capacity, promote national and regional security in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region, and increase interoperability between...
Transforming in Contact is the Army's adaptation of its organizations and delivery of new technology into the hands of Soldiers so that they can experiment, innovate, and be ready to fight on a modern battlefield. It accelerates the fielding of necessary capabilities and leverages commercial-off-the-shelf products to get new capabilities to the force fast. Soldiers can organize and integrate...