The annual Fort Bragg Combatives Tournament is currently the largest in the U.S. Army and takes place from February 28 to March 3, 2018. The tournament is an open invitational for all service members in the Department of Defense. This year’s tournament will have nearly 300 competitors representing the Active Army, Reserve and National Guard, as well as service members from the U.S. Marine...
Regional Health Command - Pacific will be hosting the 2018 German Armed
Forces Proficiency Badge event at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii, April 30 – May 4, 2018. The GAFPB (German: Abzeichen für Leistungen im Truppendienst) is a decoration of the German Armed Forces, authorized for wear by the U.S.military, and awarded to Soldiers of all ranks. The GAFPB is one of the few approved foreign...
Now in its 30th year, Fleet Week New York is the city's time-honored celebration of the sea services. It is an unparalleled opportunity for the citizens of New York and the surrounding tri-state area to meet Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, as well as witness firsthand the latest capabilities of today's maritime services. The weeklong celebration has been held nearly every year since 1984.
Luke Air Force Base is hosting Luke Days 2018, Luke's biennial open house taking place March 17-18, 2018. This year's show features numerous aerial demonstrations; to include the U.S. Marine Corps Harrier Demo team; Tora Tora Tora - Zero's and Bombers; Joint Airfield Assault Demo; A-10 Demo team; U.S Air Force Heritage Flight - F-35A Demo; Red Tail - P-51 Demo; U.S. Air Force Academy Wings of...
African Partnership Flight Senegal is the twelfth iteration of APF and it is designed as a collaborative learning environment that synergizes the expertise of the United States and African partner nations to improve professional air knowledge and skills.
The Utah National Guard is proud to host the 2018 Chief National Guard Bureau Biathlon Championships Utah's own Soldier Hollow from February 24 to March 1. More than 180 National Guardsmen from 24 states are planned to compete in the national week-long championship. #GuardBiathlon
Exercise Obangame Express is sponsored by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and designed to improve regional cooperation, maritime domain awareness (MDA), information-sharing practices, and tactical interdiction expertise to enhance the collective capabilities of Gulf of Guinea and West African nations to counter sea-based illicit activity.
Flintlock 2018 is U.S. Africa Command's premier special operations forces exercise. The exercise strengthens security institutions, promotes multilateral sharing of information, and develops interoperability among the partner nations of the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership. Approximately 1,500 personnel from more than 25 African and western nations are set to participate in this...