Fuerzas Amigas 2023 is a binational disaster response exercise between the U.S. and Mexican militaries Aug. 14-18, 2023, held across multiple city along the United States and Mexican border. The purpose of this annual exercise is to improve readiness and strengthen the two nations' cooperative relationship. Joint Task Force Civil support, under the operational control of U.S. Army North, will...
Intrepid Maven (IM) 23.4 is a bilateral U. S. Marine Corps Forces, Central Command-Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) exercise designed to contribute to Marine Corps-JAF interoperability while also enhancing both bilateral relations and unit readiness.
Northern Strike is an Army National Guard sponsored, multi-component, multinational exercise designed to build readiness and enhance interoperability with allied forces to fight and win. Northern Strike 23-2, Michigan’s largest and longest exercise designed to validate readiness of the joint reserve force, is held Aug. 5 to 19, 2023 at the National All-Domain Warfighting Center. This year's...
Mountain Training Exercise (MTX) is a service level training exercise (SLTE) and the annual capstone Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center (MWTC) training event for Marine Forces Reserve (MFR). MTX 4-23 units will conduct mountain training exercises allowing Marines to sustain warfighting functions while participating in realistic combat training in a mountainous environment. The...
MASA is an annual Philippine-U.S. military exercise focused on mutual defense, strengthening relationships, and rehearsing emerging aviation concepts.
The U.S. Coast Guard participated in the Danish Joint Arctic Command's annual joint large-scale Exercise Argus from June 12- 17, 2023. The USCGC Sycamore (WLB 209) deployed alongside assets from Denmark, Greenland and France, demonstrating U.S. Coast Guard capabilities to build partner capacity and expertise in search and rescue, incident management, and marine environmental response. These...
ORCA 2023 is a multi-agency all-hazards chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear high-yield explosives exercise, designed to foster coordination and interoperability among a range of agencies, including the Alaska National Guard’s 103rd Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team, 12 National Guard units from Alaska, Washington, Nebraska, Mississippi, Kansas, Ohio, Hawaii, and...
The Healthy Tennesseans IRT is a joint-service training mission led by the Air National Guard and supported by members of the Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and the US Public Health Service Corps.