USAF cadets from across the nation compete in an Air Force Special Warfare themed competition.
This page is the upload destination for AFSOC/Hurlburt Field imagery of the AFSOC Change of Command.
Exercise centered around testing the agility of equipment, airmen and ACE concept along with supporting partner and NATO nations.
Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe (HQ USAFE) is currently developing and executing an Agile Combat Employment (ACE) concept. This concept envisions the use of agile operations to generate resilient airpower in a contested environment. A future USAFE ACE Concept of Operations (CONOP) will be nested under Headquarters Air Force’s (HAF) Agile Operations in a contested environment concept....
Air Combat Command's AGILE FLAG 24-1 tested the 4th Fighter Wing's
(Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina) ability to deploy into theater as a
Lead Wing from January 24 - February 2, 2024. This bi-annual exercise is part of
a certification process for ACC’s Lead Wings, testing their ability to
generate combat airpower while continuing to move, maneuver and sustain the
wing and...
Air Combat Command’s AGILE FLAG 21-1 exercise will test the 366th Fighter Wing’s (Mountain Home AFB, ID) ability to deploy into theater as a lead AEW with a wing-level air staff 21-29 Oct, 2021. The unit will employ Mission Generation, Command and Control, and Base Operating Support-Integrator elements from its main operating base at Tyndall AFB, FL, while supporting a forward operating...
Air Combat Command’s AGILE FLAG 21-2 experiment will test the 4th Fighter Wing’s (Seymour-Johnson AFB, N.C.) ability to deploy into theater as a lead Air Expeditionary Wing from April 26 - May 7, 2021. The unit will employ mission generation, command and control, and base operating support-integrator elements from its main operating base at Tyndall AFB, Fla., while supporting a forward...
The 106th Rescue Wing, New York Air National Guard (ANG), sent nearly 200 members to participate in an exercise at the Savannah Combat Readiness Training Center (CRTC) in Savannah Ga., Feb. 26 - March 8, 2024.