The Missouri National Guard was activated to assist local and state authorities in the aftermath of severe weather that struck the state of Missouri.
Today's geopolitical landscape poses more potential challenges for defense transportation than any point in the past 25 years, and so the 2017 theme, "Force Projection - Assuring Access: Cyber & Physical", focuses discussion on the threats facing the defense logistics enterprise in the current security environment.
The NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting is an annual event where industry and...
National Guard personnel were activated to assist local and state authorities in the preparation and aftermath of multiple winter storms that struck the northeast coast region of the United States in 2017.
The California National Guard and federal agencies assisted state officials and local residents in the aftermath of a dam failure near Oroville, California, resulting from record precipitation over several months.
Feature Page for 2017 Solar Eclipse products from the South Carolina National Guard.
National Guard personnel were activated to assist local and state authorities in the aftermath of severe weather that struck the southeastern portion of the United States.
The National Guard assisted state officials and local residents in the aftermath of multiple floods in Missouri and Arkansas.
The U.S. National Guard assisted local authorities in disaster relief efforts after tornadoes swept across Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.