Photos and video clips from Amalgam Eagle 2024
The American Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange began in 1974
and is the longest-running military exchange partnership between any two
nations. The yearly exchange promotes good will and sharpens military
readiness between the nations as well as provides opportunities for cultural
understanding among its participants. While in Norway, the Minnesota
National Guard Soldiers and Airmen...
From April 30 - May 2, 2024, U.S. Naval Forces Africa (NAVAF) will host the second annual African Maritime Forces Summit (AMFS) in Accra, Ghana, in conjunction with U.S. Marine Corps Forces Africa (MARFORAF)’s Naval Infantry Leadership Summit-Africa (NILS-A).
Military chiefs and governmental leaders from more than 40 nations, including 30 African nations, will participate in a series of...
Description: Ample Strike 17 is a Czech Republic-led close-air suppose and field training exercise incorporating air and ground assets and various NATO task forces.
Exercise Ample Strike is an annual exercise intended to increase proficiency levels for all forward air controllers and joint terminal air controllers, as well as to improve standardization and interoperability among NATO Allies and partners.
Exercise Ample Strike is an annual exercise designed to increase proficiency levels for all forward air controllers and joint terminal air controllers, as well as to improve standardization and interoperability among NATO allies and partners. Units will be forward deployed to multiple locations in Europe to conduct day and night operations improve NATO allies and partner nation interoperability.
AMSE 21 is a Czech Republic-led, multi-national live exercise that supports the NATO Military Training Exercise Program and is scheduled from Sept. 6-18, 2021, that offers advanced Air/Land Integration Training to Joint Terminal Attack Controllers in coordination with MQ-9 Reaper aircraft and F-15E Strike Eagle aircraft. During the exercise, aircraft and participants will conduct day and night...
Anakonda is a Polish-led, U.S. Army Europe-supported command post and computerized exercise designed to support theater security cooperation between NATO nations.