Ultimate Caduceus is an annual patient movement exercise designed to test the ability of U.S. Transportation Command to provide medical evacuation in both the field and in computer-simulated settings.
Ultimate Caduceus is an annual patient movement exercise designed to test the ability of U.S. Transportation Command to provide medical evacuation in both the field and in computer-simulated settings.
UNC Repatriates Remains from North Korea
Unified Trident is a multilateral exercise with U.S., U.K., Australia and France naval forces designed to strengthen mutual theater-wide capabilities across the full spectrum of maritime operations against any threat to the free flow of commerce and freedom of navigation.
UNITAS 2016, hosted by Panama, is designed to train each navy to conduct joint naval operations, through the execution of littoral warfare, anti-piracy, maritime interdiction operations, countering transnational organized crime, anti-surface warfare, electronic warfare, communications exercises and air operations in order to increase interoperability and capability between participating naval...
From 14-25 NOV 2015, approximately 1,000 representatives from Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and the United States are expected to participate in UNITAS Amphibious 2015, a combined Field Training Exercise in the vicinity of the Ilha do Governador and Ilha da Marambaia, Brazil, in order to enhance interoperability in Amphibious Operations and Humanitarian...
LIX is the roman numeral for 59 indicating the 59th year of the exercise. UNITAS, which is Latin for "unity," is an annual exercise conceived in 1959 and first executed in 1960, making it the world's longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise. UNITAS demonstrates U.S. commitment to the region and to the value of the strong relationships forged between our partner militaries. This...
LVIII is the roman numeral for 58 indicating the 58th year of the exercise. UNITAS, which is Latin for “unity,” is the world’s longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise. This year is the 58th iteration, demonstrating the U.S. commitment to the region and to the value of the strong relationships forged with our Latin American partners.This year Peru is the host country for UNITAS.