Vigilant Guard Hawaii is a National Guard led training exercise to allow regional National Guard units to work with local, state and national government organizations in response to multiple, geographically disparate, catastrophic disasters in a DSCA environment in order to strengthen regional partnerships, validate crisis action plans, and demonstrate the interoperability of the participants.
Vigilant Guard is a series of federally funded functional exercises conducted by National Guard units working with federal, state and local emergency management agencies and first responders.
Vigilant Guard is a series of federally funded disaster-response drills conducted by National Guard units working with federal, state and local emergency management agencies and first responders.
Vigilant Guard is a United States Northern Command and National Guard Bureau sponsored exercise program. The program provides an opportunity for the State of Minnesota to improve emergency coordination, response and recovery management with federal, regional, local, civilian and military partners.
VIGILANT GUARD 15 (VG 15) is a Joint Regional Training exercise program sponsored by U.S. Northern Command in conjunction with the National Guard Bureau. The program provides the National Guard an opportunity to improve cooperation and relationships with its regional civilian, military and federal partners in preparation for emergencies and catastrophic events.
Vigilant Guard is a series of federally funded disaster-response drills conducted by National Guard units working with federal, state and local emergency management agencies and first responders.
Vigilant Guard is a series of federally funded disaster-response drills conducted by National Guard units working with federal, state and local emergency management agencies and first responder's.
Vigilant Guard is a series of federally funded disaster-response drills conducted by National Guard units working with federal, state and local emergency management agencies and first responders.