Wessex Storm is an annual maneuver exercise for British Forces, integrating NATO allies and partners. The exercise scenarios involve attacks in the open and in built-up areas, long moves over ground of personnel and vehicles, live-fire exercises and Airborne operations. This year, U.S. paratroopers assigned to 173rd Airborne Brigade support the British Army's 1st Battalion, Royal Irish...
Western Accord 2012 is a joint and multi-lateral exercise between the U.S., Senegalese and several West African nations taking place June 26 - July 24 in Thiès, Senegal. The exercise will involve more than 600 U.S. service members and approximately 600 members of the Armed Forces of Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Gambia and France. Supporting units include:
Marine Forces Reserve
Western Accord 15 is a U.S. Army Africa command post exercise designed to increase MINUSMA capacity to plan, deploy, employ, sustain, and redeploy a MINUSMA-lead and U.S.-sponsored combined joint task force in support of UN/AU-mandated peace support operations.
Western Accord 16 is a U.S. Army Africa and Burkina Faso Defense Force CPX designed to increase the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali. (MINUSMA) capacity to plan, deploy, sustain and redeploy a MINUSMA-lead and U.S.-sponsored combined joint task force in support of UN and African Union-mandated peace support operations.
After a 19-year hiatus, the Air Force’s historic William Tell Air-to-Air Weapons Meet resumes. The competition will take place at the Air Dominance Center, Savannah, GA, September 11-15, 2023. Hosted by ACC, the competition will evaluate F-35, F-22 and F-15 Fighter Integration Teams from across the DAF, employing Total Force combat-capable active-duty, Guard and Reserve Airmen in...
Wolverine Strike is a Home Station Training exercise taking place in Maniago LTA, Italy, 28 NOV - 2 DEC. It will feature the Brigade Support Battalion of 173rd IBCT(A).
This symposium brings together over 10,000 Airmen and Guardians to engage in meaningful discussions that address important challenges facing servicewomen today. The volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to make this conference a success are passionate about removing barriers that still exist for women who serve. This symposium is an opportunity to increase awareness, build leaders...
Western Recruiting Region meets to discuss the current/future state of the marketing/social media efforts, gather digital content and conduct training to ensure the effectiveness of recruiting programs is maximized in support of recruiting efforts.