Operational Contract Support Joint Exercise 2016 (OCSJX-16) is an Operational Contract Support Joint Exercise focused on producing shelf-ready products for future operations, training contracting and non-contracting personnel, and increasing senior leader awareness and involvement in Operational Contract Support. More than 1,000 service members and civil servants from all branches of the...
Operational Contract Support Joint Exercise 2017 (OCSJX-17) is focused on producing shelf-ready products for future operations, training, contracting and non-contracting personnel while increasing senior leader awareness and involvement in operational contract support (OCS). More than 1,000 service members and civil servants from all branches of the Department of Defense as well as coalition...
U.S. government leaders and experts in the areas of public-health, counter-illicit trafficking, law enforcement, and justice meet at the headquarters of U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) in Miami Feb. 8 to discuss the nation’s opioid epidemic. During the day-long Opioid Summit, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions joins other senior U.S. officials to examine the crisis, consider approaches...
ORCA 2023 is a multi-agency all-hazards chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear high-yield explosives exercise, designed to foster coordination and interoperability among a range of agencies, including the Alaska National Guard’s 103rd Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team, 12 National Guard units from Alaska, Washington, Nebraska, Mississippi, Kansas, Ohio, Hawaii, and...
Exercise Orient Shield 21-1 demonstrates the U.S. resolve to support the security interests of friends and allies in the region.
Since its first iteration in 1982, Orient Shield has focused on the development and refinement of the JGSDF and USARPAC’s efforts in the areas of bilateral planning, coordination, and interoperability. Training and readiness are essential to generating credible deterrence in an increasingly complex regional security environment. This exercise underscores a continued commitment by both the...
Orient Shield 22 is the largest U.S. Army and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force bilateral field training exercise being executed in various locations throughout Japan to enhance interoperability and test and refine multi-domain and cross-domain operations.
At the Orlando VA Healthcare System, we honor America's debt to the men and women whose patriotic service and sacrifice earned our freedom. Our mission is, “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan,” through demonstrating VA’s ICARE values of integrity, commitment, advocacy, respect, and excellence.