2nd Law Enforcement Battalion (2nd LE Bn.) conducts law and order operations in order to enhance the security environment and promote the rule of law in support of Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) operations.
The mission of 2nd MAW is to conduct air operations in support of the Marine Forces to include offensive air support, antiair warfare, assault support, aerial reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and control of aircraft and missiles. As a collateral function, the MAW may participate as an integral component of naval aviation in the execution of such other Navy functions as the Fleet Commander...
Today 2nd Marine Division is a multi-role, expeditionary ground combat force. The Division is employed as the ground combat element (GCE) of II MEF or may provide task-organized forces for assault operations and such operations as may be directed. The 2nd Marine Division must be able to provide the ground amphibious forcible entry capability to the naval expeditionary force (NEF) and to...
This page is a collection of the most recent imagery and visual products from Marine combat cameramen assigned to 2nd Marine Division. Marine Corps combat camera is organized and structured to provide commanders with still and motion photography, graphic illustration, print production and archival capabilities. The 2nd Marine Division is a multi-role, expeditionary ground combat force. The...
The Marines and sailors of 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, will celebrate 75 years of honored service to the Marine Corps and their heritage this year.
The mission of 2nd MLG is to conduct combat logistics operations in support of II Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) and attached/assigned forces in order to support and conduct combat operations and sustain warfighting effectiveness. Provide general support (GS) combat logistics to all forces operating in the MEF battlespace.
The 2nd Multi-Domain Task Force includes a headquarters element; an intelligence, cyberspace, electronic warfare and space detachment; and a brigade support company.
"The 2nd Multi-Domain Task Force provides additional capabilities for U.S. Army Europe and Africa to leverage in preventing conflict, shaping the security environment, and if necessary, prevailing in large-scale ground combat...
The mission of Second Radio Battalion (2d RadBn) is to provide Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), limited cyberspace operations, and Special Intelligence (SI) communications support to the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) and Joint Forces Commander (JFC).