Hearings from the United States House of Representatives
Marine Corps Combat Camera is organized and structured to provide Commanders at every element of the MAGTF and SE with digital and physical photographic, video, graphics, printed products and archival capabilities to support requirements in order to achieve the Commanders desired effects. These requirements include Strategic Communications (SC), Information Operations (IO) and Military...
The Blue Angels is the United States Navy's flight demonstration squadron. It was formed in 1946, making it the second oldest formal flying aerobatic team (flying under the same name) in the world. The Blue Angels' six demonstration pilots fly the F/A-18 Hornet in more than 70 shows at 34 locations throughout the United States each year, where they still employ many of the same practices and...
U.S. Space Force organizes, trains, and equips space forces in order to protect and defend U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force. The USSF was established within the Department of the Air Force, meaning the Secretary of the Air Force has overall responsibility for the USSF, under the guidance and direction of the Secretary of Defense.
The United States Space Force media feature page houses the most up to date imagery on current missions the Space Force is conducting.
BATAVIA, Ill. — In a moving Pearl Harbor Day commemorative speech delivered at the Lincoln Inn on Dec. 9, Capt. Christopher Labissiere, commanding officer of Navy Reserve Center, Great Lakes, called for vigilance and unity while honoring the sacrifices that transformed a devastating attack into a defining moment of national resilience. Speaking to an audience of 300, Labissiere emphasized...
Unlock Your Health is DHA's campaign to educate TRICARE beneficiaries on how to use their TRICARE health plan.
An unmanned aircraft takes off from one of five airfields at 1300 square mile Yuma Proving Ground, located in Southwest Arizona. The combination of the night sky and slow camera exposure makes for a dramatic photo.