This feature tab will be used for the Wings Over Wayne Airshow at Seymour Johnson AFB, NC
The Wings Over Wayne Air Show is a biennial event taking place every other year in odd-numbered years. It has grown to be the largest free air show in North Carolina attracting nearly 200,000 people to the flight line of Seymour Johnson AFB for the two-day event.
The Winston P. Wilson (WPW) Championship is conducted annually at Robinson Maneuver Training Center, North Little Rock, Arkansas, and involves the rifle, pistol, machine gun, and combined arms disciplines. The objective of this training event is to promote the growth and development of state-level marksmanship training, as well as evaluate individual and collective tasks pertaining to that...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Army National Guard were activated
to assist local and state authorities in the aftermath of record flooding in
the central and southern region of the United States in December 2015.
The National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic was created by the US
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in 1987 with roughly 90 Veterans who were eager to learn to ski using adaptive ski equipment, and 20 staff members who helped them participate in a variety of adaptive activities and workshops. The idea for the Clinic originated in the early 1980s when Sandy Trombetta,
founder and...
National Guard units across the Southeast were called in to support as the latest winter storm in 2014 hit the Southeast with the Northeast soon to follow. Other military units across the region also provided aide.
Subscribe to this page to keep up with the latest coverage of the military's support during the winter storm.
Wolverine Strike is a Home Station Training exercise taking place in Maniago LTA, Italy, 28 NOV - 2 DEC. It will feature the Brigade Support Battalion of 173rd IBCT(A).
Women in all branches of the military soon will have unprecedented opportunities to serve on the front lines of the nation's wars.
Leon Panetta, in one of his last acts as President Obama's Defense Secretary, announced the policy change, which would open hundreds of thousands of front-line positions and potentially elite commando jobs after more than a decade at war, the Pentagon...
For the first time hosted both in-person and online, this professional development event welcomes the participation of all Total Force Airmen and Guardians, both military and civilian, and all genders to engage in thought-provoking discussions that address challenges facing servicewomen. The volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to make this conference a success are passionate about...