8th Communication Battalion (8th Comm. Bn.) will deploy task-organized communication detachments capable of installing, operating, maintaining, and defending communication networks in support of CG II MEF or CG 2d MEB or a Combined / Joint Task Force headquarters; and MEU Commanders in order to enable the commander's ability to command and control assigned forces.
8th Forward Resuscitative and Surgical Detachment conducts Jungle Medicine training at the Lightning Academy Feb. 2024 at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
Each year the 8th Marine Corps District conducts four workshops sending approximately 240 educators, administrators and media personnel to Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego for an inside glimpse into Marine Corps boot camp and the opportunities the Marine Corps provides to tomorrow’s Marines. On this page you will find multimedia content documenting the experiences of the attendees of...
This page is a repository for 8th Marine Corps District content highlighting recent partnerships and engagement within the esports community.
The 9-11 Memorial Airborne Operation commemorated the events that occurred
on 11 September 2001 and was an opportunity for the participants to
celebrate the lives of service members that have made the ultimate
sacrifice. There were two locations for this event. The 528th Support
Brigade Special Operations(A) hosted a jump at Camp Mackall, North Carolina
and the 310th PSYOP Company hosted...
Products related to the 12 year mark since 9/11 Anniversary
The 94th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office has created these videos to offer supplemental training and orientation to our reserve Airmen. Please contact Public Affairs by phone at 678-655-5055 or by email at 94AW.PA@us.af.mil with any comments or questions.
Amidst the humid, thick jungles of Oahu, Air Defenders braved a competition that tested their mental and physical endurance to the limits, demonstrating their highly trained, disciplined, and fit cohesive teams. Squads competed in scenarios resembling the realistic and demanding challenges faced by Soldiers in the Indo-Pacific theater.