The 2016 U.S. Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition is the premier showcase for U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers to demonstrate their technical and tactical skills to determine the top noncommissioned officer and junior enlisted Soldier from the 195,000 men and women serving as America's Warrior-Citizens. The top NCO and Soldier will represent the U.S. Army Reserve at the Department of the Army Best...
Images and stories to be considered for the Army Reserve At A Glance. Submissions are not guaranteed for use in the publication but will be reviewed and considered.
Operation Sandcastle is a joint Field Training Exercise, FTX, designed to test Soldiers and their capabilities within a simulated large scale combat operations (LSCO) environment. This exercise consist of components that will ensure proper collective training of unit mission essential tasks while continuing to solidify Soldiers’ competencies of Army warrior tasks (AWTs); to include Tactical...
The Army Reserve’s Best Warrior Competition will be held at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst June 23-27, 2014. This is the first year the competition will be conducted at this location. The two winners will be selected as the Army Reserve’s Soldier and NCO of the Year and will compete against winners from the major Army commands in October at Fort Lee, Va. Approximately 52 Soldiers from...
To leverage the Army Reserve's annual birthday as a synchronized campaign to showcase the celebration of those who have served or currently serving in the Army Reserve and their positive impact on the Nation. Use tag "USAR Birthday" to add your content to this page.
The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadet Summer Training kicked off at Fort Knox, Ky. - U.S. on June 3. CST will host nearly 14,000 cadets and active-duty and reserve Soldiers throughout the summer. CST, which will rotate through 10 Cadet Leader Course regiments and nine Cadet Initial Entry Training, is a rigorous, four-week exercise that will see nearly 9,000 cadets through graduation...
The Hurricane Barry feature page allows you access to the latest imagery, video and stories highlighting the U.S. Army's response to Hurricane Barry. Active duty, National Guard and Reserve Soldiers, along with DoD civilians and first-responders are prepared to provide life-saving, search and rescue, logistical, and recovery to support all effected communities.
Cadet Summer Training (CST) is the largest annual training event in the Army. It is designed to lay the foundation of Army future leaders in the Active force, Army Reserve and National Guard. Each year, approximately 10,000 cadets from around the country attend training in Basic or Advanced Camp. Approximately 1,500 other cadets participate in professional development opportunities such as...