Images and video from US and Allied strikes against chemical weapons in Syria
At the request of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), approximately 300 Marines will deploy to Helmand Province Afghanistan in Spring 2017 in support of the NATO-led Resolute Support mission. Task Force South West, made up of Marines from II Marine Expeditionary Force and led by Brig. Gen. Roger Turner, Jr., will train and advise key leaders within the Afghan...
Theater Security Packages are U.S. Air Force deployments of aircraft and personnel to Europe in support of Atlantic Resolve, demonstrating U.S. commitment to security and stability in the region.
USS Sampson (DDG 102) and USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) are supporting Indonesian-led efforts to locate Air Asia Flight QZ8501. Sampson, a guided-missile destroyer, joined the effort on Dec. 30, followed by the littoral combat ship Fort Worth on Jan. 3.
Media documenting the arrival and transit of qualified evacuees from Afghanistan in the USEUCOM theater.
This gallery features some of the best imagery and video of Marines actively involved in firefights with the enemy.
The Ukraine Defense Contact Group, a U.S. Secretary of Defense initiative, brings together global Allies and partners to discuss Ukraine's security cooperation.
The following photos and video products are of the United States Armed Forces retrograde in Afghanistan.