2D loop animation created for Global Running Day June 6, 2018. This animation takes the viewers through different eras of Marine Corps uniforms from WW2 to current day, showcasing that Marines though outward appearances may change, still train the same to be the successful organization we are. (U.S Marine Corps animation by Sgt. Elize McKelvey)
Date Taken: | 06.06.2018 |
Published: | 07-10-18 04:03 PM |
Graphic ID: | 3185 |
VIRIN: | 060618-M-JT368-0001 |
Size: | 15.65 MB |
Location: |
Web Views: | 17 |
Downloads: | 10 |
This work, Run All Day, by SSgt Elize McKelvey, identified by DVIDS, must comply with the restrictions shown on https://www.dvidshub.net/about/copyright.