Graphics by Christopher Nititham | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | 12.03.2021
This is a graphic from a series for WRAIR social media. It explains why HIV is difficult to cure. It was created in Adobe Illustrator....
Graphics by Christopher Nititham | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | 12.03.2021
This is a graphic from a series for WRAIR social media. It explains why HIV is difficult to cure. It was created in Adobe Illustrator....
Graphics by Cpl. Alfredo Solis | 3d Marine Division | 12.02.2021
This book cover was designed for the 3d Marine Division Campaign Plan book. This graphic was designed using Adobe Photoshop at Camp Courtney, Okinawa Japan, Dec. 2, 2021. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic illustration by Cpl. Alfredo Solis)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alicia Shores | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 12.02.2021
The graphic reads “Holiday Safety.” The graphical elements include the Camp Pendleton Fire logo, a Christmas tree with presents, and the title text over a red ribbon banner. This graphic was created on December 6, 2021 at MCI West MCB Camp Pendleton Communication Strategy and Operations. The graphic is a product in support of Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Efren DonJuan Pedraza | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 12.02.2021
The graphic reads “HAPPY NEW YEAR.” The graphical elements include the Marine Corps Installations West logo. The text has a glowing effect, and festive firework photos as the background. The graphic is a product in support of Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton initiative to recognize the new calendar year. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic created by LCpl Efren......
Graphics by Gary Rogers | 100th Air Refueling Wing | 12.02.2021
This cartoon is providing information and a phone number for people to call if they are are feeling unwell and sick.
Graphics by Lt. Bryan Newkirk | Commander, Mine Countermeasures Squadron SEVEN | 12.02.2021
30 November 2021. 17 – 22 NOV, MCMRON 7, USS CHIEF, USS WARRIOR, MH-53E helicopters from HM-14 Det 2A and Expeditionary Mine Countermeasures Company 1-3, participated in Mine Warfare Exercise 3JA off of the southwestern coast of Japan alongside the JMSDF Mine Warfare Force. American units from Sasebo, Iwakuni, and Guam, representing all three points of the MCM triad, took part in six-days......
Graphics by Seaman Mo Bourdi | USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) | 12.01.2021
210518-N-TE455-1001 ARABIAN SEA (May 18, 2021) - A graphic showcasing Aviation Boatswain Mate 1st Class Nathan Braden working out aboard USS Dwight D, Eisenhower (CVN 69) in the Arabian Sea, May 18. The Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations in support of naval operations to ensure maritime stability and security in the Central Region, connecting......