Graphics by Lance Cpl. Natalie Greenwood | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.03.2021
In Japan, the blood alcohol content limit to operate a motor vehicle is .03 where as the United States has a BAC limit of .08 - one drink is enough to put you over the legal limit. To reduce the risk of incidents, III MEF began the anti-drinking driving campaign "Not One Drop". (U.S. Marine Corps Illustration by LCpl. Natalie Greenwood)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Natalie Greenwood | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.03.2021
In Japan, the blood alcohol content limit to operate a motor vehicle is .03 where as the United States has a BAC limit of .08 - one drink is enough to put you over the legal limit. To reduce the risk of incidents, III MEF began the anti-drinking driving campaign "Not One Drop". (U.S. Marine Corps Illustration by LCpl. Natalie Greenwood)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Natalie Greenwood | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.03.2021
In Japan, the blood alcohol content limit to operate a motor vehicle is .03 where as the United States has a BAC limit of .08 - one drink is enough to put you over the legal limit. To reduce the risk of incidents, III MEF began the anti-drinking driving campaign "Not One Drop". (U.S. Marine Corps Illustration by LCpl. Natalie Greenwood)...
Graphics by Darius Parker | 88th Air Base Wing | 11.03.2021
This layout was created in Adobe Photoshop to acknowledge and celebrate Veterans Day on Nov. 11. This design was made for the 88 ABW Instagram page....
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alicia Shores | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 11.02.2021
The graphic reads “ Celebrate the Holidays with the ALL NEW M2 Blitzen; Chesty APPROVED! OOORAH!” The graphical elements include a red, festively designed M2 Browning loaded with a chain of Christmas lights, an explosive price tag with a Santa hat on it, over a red background with a spruce tree. The graphic is a product in support of Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Meghan Yankowskas | U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa | 11.02.2021
2021 version of the United States Air Forces in Europe Band's fact sheet. This gives sponsor/points of contact more information about the scope of the unit's mission....