Graphics by Cpl. Francesca Landis | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 01.27.2021
Marine Forces Japan is using the DoD’s phased approach to vaccinate all active component, reserve component, TRICARE prime and TRICARE select beneficiaries, and select DoD civilians and contract personnel authorized to receive immunizations from DoD, to remain a lethal and ready expeditionary fighting force. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Francesca Landis)...
Graphics by Cpl. Francesca Landis | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 01.27.2021
Marine Forces Japan is using the DoD’s phased approach to vaccinate all active component, reserve component, TRICARE prime and TRICARE select beneficiaries, and select DoD civilians and contract personnel authorized to receive immunizations from DoD, to remain a lethal and ready expeditionary fighting force. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Francesca Landis)...
Graphics by Cpl. Francesca Landis | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 01.27.2021
Marine Forces Japan is using the DoD’s phased approach to vaccinate all active component, reserve component, TRICARE prime and TRICARE select beneficiaries, and select DoD civilians and contract personnel authorized to receive immunizations from DoD, to remain a lethal and ready expeditionary fighting force. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Francesca Landis)...
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Devin Nothstine | 86th Airlift Wing | 01.26.2021
Throughout the years, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, has delivered airpower through bombardment, air defense, reconnaissance and close air support. Today, across six countries, Ramstein Airmen stand ready to project U.S. and NATO airpower if and when called upon....
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Devin Nothstine | 86th Airlift Wing | 01.26.2021
As properly trained, equipped and well lead team is capable of accomplishing a mission, adapting to any situation, and overcoming any obstacle. This is where Ramstein is going as a wing....
Graphics by Wesley Farnsworth | 88th Air Base Wing | 01.26.2021
A social media graphic to bring awareness to Burn Awareness Week in February 2021 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. This year the national theme is Electrical Safety From Amps to Zap. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Wesley Farnsworth)...
Graphics by Nicholas Pilch | 60th Air Mobility Wing | 01.26.2021
A graphic for a COVID-19 vaccine campaign at Travis Air Force Base, California. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Nicholas Pilch)...
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Devin Nothstine | 86th Airlift Wing | 01.26.2021
Throughout the years, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, has delivered airpower through bombardment, air defense, reconnaissance and close air support. Today, across six countries, Ramstein Airmen stand ready to project U.S. and NATO airpower if and when called upon....